Yeah, there is probably no one reading this, but I wanted to do this anyway. Since February, we have been on the verge of losing it all. For those months, we have gotten some help from family and donations, and we have barely stayed afloat. My husband has been looking for work for a year and a half and cannot get anything. Frankly I think ageism is playing a part here and who knows what else. He was laid off due to corporate stuff. I plan on doing gig work as I cannot stand walk and lift 40lbs for 8 hours like I used to due to arthritis. Gig work…
Donation Info!
Probably no one is reading this, but what the hell, I am going to try! I am really in a bad way. We have money for one month more in rent (that is stupid high because we can’t do a lease) and probably pay electric and some limited food. I wanted to list some donation links and also my husband’s page on Linked In because he has plenty of skills after working for 30 years for the same company in different capacities. Ok, here goes nothing. Tony Blalock on Linked In Cash App$wizzerkat PayPal Amazon Wish List for things we need now and later
I might be homeless soon.
I apologize for not being a compelling writer, but we do need help. In November of 2021, my husband was laid off his job of 30 years (great job, good pay). We got a much smaller than anticipated severance package (but got a cool statue thing for 30 years of service!). Instead of the two years of pay we always thought we would get, we got 2/3 of one year’s salary. We were able to live off of the severance for a time but then had to cash out the meager amount in the 401K. Those lasted until now. We were able to pay rent for this month (Feb 2023)…
Photographs are Time in a Bottle
Between my grandparents, mother, and my own immediate family, I have a chest full of photos spanning decades. I have just started going through them. I am spending about 30-45 minutes per week going through them. Most of the photos were just sitting in s jumble. Some were sitting in really old photo albums. So, out of the albums they went and now to organize! Right now I am going through them in “keep or throw away” mode. Then, it’s time to move on to the next organization method. I am scanning some of them, but not all of them(too many!). These first pics are of my mother. They are…
Y’all Ain’t Right!
The world’s people come in all types. Some are stupid. Some are funny. Some are both. These are their stories. For a starter, here is a few weird ass stories! Flight crew restrains ‘God’ aboard Delta flight, returns to Puerto Rico Toddler’s cake says ‘Happy Birthday Loser’ after bakery mix-up Woman has uncontrollable orgasms triggered by potholes and escalators
Political Plans
Coming soon! I am working on a couple of things. First is a list of political books that I have read, plan on reading, or thinking of reading. I became aware of these books through reading articles and other arenas. The other thing I am working on is a link library of articles and web sites about various subjects and issues which I find educational or generally helpful about these issues. Threads, articles, general posts-thoe things are coming, too!